Quote Origin: The Way That Person Believes In Themselves Is Quite Refreshing In These Atheistic Times When Many Believe In No God At All

Israel Zangwill? G. K. Chesterton? George Bernard Shaw? William Thomas Stead? H. G. Wells? Apocryphal? Question for Quote Investigator: Intellectuals often think very highly of themselves. One wit satirized this self-absorption with the following quip: The way he believes in himself is very refreshing in these atheistic days when so many believe in no God …

Anecdote Origin: In the Wild Hill Countries from Whence My Client Comes They Talk of Little Else

Alexander Martin Sullivan? Marshall Hall? Henry Harte Barry? John Chute Neligan? Question for Quote Investigator: A popular anecdote in legal circles concerns a lawyer who was representing a client from a rural area. The judge condescendingly asked the lawyer whether the client was familiar with a legal doctrine which was identified via a pompous Latin …

Quote Origin: The Literary World Is Made Up of Second-Rate Writers Who Write About Other Second-Rate Writers

Mickey Spillane? Terry Southern? David Halberstam? Apocryphal? Question for Quote Investigator: The best-selling author of pulp thrillers was excoriated by literary critics. His reported response was harsh: The literary world is made of second-rate writers writing about other second-rate writers. This statement has been credited to Mickey Spillane, but I am skeptical because I have …

Quote Origin: There Is No Such Thing as a New Idea. We Simply Take a Lot of Old Ideas and Put Them Into a Sort of Mental Kaleidoscope

Mark Twain? Albert Bigelow Paine? Caroline Thomas Harnsberger? Apocryphal? Question for Quote Investigator: A famous author once suggested that humankind was not generating any genuinely new ideas. The author illustrated this viewpoint via a clever simile. Ideas were like pieces of colored glass in a kaleidoscope. The ideas which appeared to be new were only configurations …

Joke Origin: A Person Who Makes Puns Should Be Drawn and Quoted

Fred Allen? Charlie Rice? Red Skelton? Anonymous? Question for Quote Investigator: Puns are regularly lambasted, but the complaints are often comical as in the following slyly self-reflexive joke: A person who makes puns should be drawn and quoted. This statement has been attributed to comedian Fred Allen, newspaper columnist Charlie Rice, and entertainer Red Skelton. …

Quote Origin: There Are Only Two Ways To Live Your Life. One Is As Though Nothing Is a Miracle. The Other Is As Though Everything Is a Miracle

Albert Einstein? Basil Wilberforce? Gilbert Fowler White? Robert E. Hinshaw? Question for Quote Investigator: Some skeptical individuals doubt the existence of anything miraculous or supernatural. Yet, some spiritual individuals believe that everything is miraculous. Here is a pertinent saying about this dichotomy: There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though …

Quote Origin: When You Have Eliminated the Impossible Whatever Remains, However Improbable, Must Be the Truth

Arthur Conan Doyle? Edgar Allan Poe? Dorothy L. Sayers? Apocryphal? Question for Quote Investigator: A famous fictional detective once explained the methodology for solving mysteries. The sleuth should gather facts and systematically eliminate hypotheses that are impossible. When a single hypothesis remains, however improbable, it must be the truth. The description of this approach has …

Quote Origin: I Have Lived a Thousand Lives. I Have Loved a Thousand Loves . . . Because I Read

George R. R. Martin? Gloria Swanson? C. S. Lewis? A. A. Pape? Vada B. Reese? Apocryphal? Question for Quote Investigator: A best-selling author once stated: I have lived a thousand lives. I have loved a thousand loves. This extraordinary achievement had been accomplished vicariously via reading. Fantasy and science fiction author George R. R. Martin …

Quote Origin: You Have Not Lived Today Until You Have Done Something for Someone Who Can Never Repay You

John Bunyan? Paul Bunyan? Jacob Morton Braude? Frank Look? Eugene P. Bertin? Frank Ney? Titus? Anonymous? Question for Quote Investigator: Altruism has been championed with the following saying: You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you. This statement has been credited to the 17th-century Puritan preacher …

Quote Origin: We Have Each Continued To Believe That the Other Will Do Better Tomorrow

Robert Mitchum? Gloria Pitzer? Lloyd Robson? Apocryphal? Question for Quote Investigator: A movie star was once asked about the impressive longevity of his marriage, and he replied that the two partners displayed mutual forbearance. Each partner believed that the other would do better tomorrow. This statement has been attributed to Golden-Age Hollywood actor Robert Mitchum, …

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