“The Peasants Are Revolting” “You Can Say That Again”

Brant Parker? Johnny Hart? L. Frank Baum? Walt Kelly? Allan Sherman? Mel Brooks? Anonymous? Dear Quote Investigator: I vaguely recall seeing a comic strip with a clever joke based on two different senses of the word “revolting”. An advisor warned a monarch about an uprising, and he replied acerbically: Advisor: The peasants are revolting. Monarch: …

Quote Origin: The Golden Rule: Whoever Has the Gold Makes the Rules

Wizard of Id? Jafar? Brant Parker? Johnny Hart? Dick Boland? Jack Caprio? Jesse Jackson? Anonymous? Question for Quote Investigator: The Golden Rule is a famous ethical principle that can be stated as follows: Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. Several different lampoons and parodies have been constructed based on this …