Origin of a Theatrical Review: I Saw It Under Adverse Conditions. The Curtain Was Up

Groucho Marx? Walter Winchell? George S. Kaufman? George Jean Nathan?

Question for Quote Investigator: A critic once provided a hilariously nonchalant evaluation of a theatrical production:

I did not like it, but perhaps this judgment is unfair. I saw it under adverse conditions — the curtain was up.

This statement has been credited to comedian Groucho Marx and playwright George S. Kaufman. Would you please attempt to determine the identity of the creator and the name of the show that was being ridiculed?

Reply from Quote Investigator: The first instance located by QI occurred in 1931 within the “On Broadway” column of Walter Winchell. The column featured Winchell’s specialized vocabulary, e.g., “collabed” for collaborated, and “niftied” for making a nifty or clever remark. Boldface added to excerpts by QI:1

Funny crack that one…I mean when somebody asked George S. Kaufman (who collabed on “Band Wagon”) how he liked the “Vanities” show…“I saw it under bad conditions,” he niftied, “the curtain was up.”

In 1932 the Washington Post attributed the jest to Groucho Marx instead of Kaufman:2

Groucho Marx … never has written dramatic criticism, but when asked about a recent Broadway show, he declared, “I saw it under unfavorable circumstances. The curtain was up!”

Below are additional selected citations in chronological order.

In 1933 the city editor of the New York Herald Tribune, Stanley Walker, wrote about the joke in his book “The Night Club Era”. Walker claimed that it was Groucho Marx who originally told the joke to George S. Kaufman.

The target of the jest was the show “Vanities” by the major Broadway producer Earl Carroll, and he was not happy to see the mocking comment in Winchell’s column. Carroll confronted Winchell at a large party:3

Winchell, however, had been roasting Carroll’s shows for many years. Only a few days before the scene at the Casino he had printed in his column a quip credited to George S. Kaufman and Groucho Marx. Kaufman said to Marx: “What do you think of Earl Carroll’s ‘Vanities’?” and Marx replied: “I had rather not say. I saw it under bad conditions–the curtain was up.”

And so, on this great night at the Casino, Carroll arose and, looking at Winchell, said: “Walter, I wonder if you can take it? We’ve been taking it from you for a long time.” Winchell nodded and said: “Go ahead. It’s O.K.” Carroll went on: “I want to tell you that you are not fit to associate with decent people.  You don’t belong!”

It was all very embarrassing. There was a hush of at least five minutes. Carroll bowed himself out of the Casino.

In 1934 the jest was disseminated through the Reader’s Digest which acknowledged the Saturday Evening Post. In this version of the barb no specific attribution was given; instead, a generic critic delivered the remark:4

There was also the reply of the critic who was asked his opinion of a certain play. “I wouldn’t like to comment,” he said. “I saw it under bad conditions. The curtain was up.”

In 1943 Winchell revisited the topic and slapped Bennett Cerf for submitting the joke to Reader’s Digest. He also discussed one of the negative repercussions: an attendance ban. Oddly, in this retelling Winchell stated that he gave Groucho Marx credit for the witticism, but in the original column only George S. Kaufman’s name was mentioned:5

A colleague reports that Bennett Cerf, the publisher-columnist, received $20 from Reader’s Digest for a quip … It was the one about the man who was asked what he thought of a show and said: “I hate to say, I saw it under bad conditions, the curtain was up!”… It was the gag that got us barred out of one producer’s theater about 10 years ago, when we credited it to Groucho Marx. Groucho told it during the intermission in the Globe theater lobby… Shucks, our memory is getting as good as Milton Berle’s.

In 1944 the quotation appeared as part of a question in a newspaper section titled “Dr Quizzler’s Mind Teasers”. The quiz taker was given several hints and was supposed to identify the originator of the quip. Groucho was the answer given:6

One of the wittiest comicos on God’s green earth was asked by George Kaufman what he thought of Earl Carroll’s “Vanities.” “I would rather not say. I saw it under bad conditions– the curtain was up.” The grandson of a German topnose magician, he sparks the quartet which has made stage and screen history. One of his brothers, while a bellhop, use to get two bits from Cissie Loftus for squiring her poodle in the park.

In 1944 the quote appeared another time, but the roles of Groucho Marx and George Kaufman were reversed. In this version of the anecdote from Bennett Cerf the joke was attributed to Kaufman instead of Marx:7

Somebody met George Kaufman after a particularly gruesome opening. “What did you think of it?” ventured the stranger. “It’s not quite fair for me to say,” Kaufman assured him. “I saw it under peculiarly unfortunate circumstances. The curtain was up.”

In 1948 Winchell told the story again in his syndicated column. Groucho received credit as creator:8

Between The Acts: N.Y. Times Sunday editor Lester Markel amused a Boston audience with the gag about the critic who softened a scathing criticism with: “In all fairness I must point out that I saw this play under very inauspicious circumstances. The curtain was up!”

That quip (first told by Groucho Marx) got us barred from Earl Carroll’s shows for nearly 20 years.

In 1949 Winchell complained that a newly released collection of funny sayings, “Dictionary of Humorous Quotations” by Evan Esar, was providing an incorrect attribution for the curtain joke. The excerpt below reveals the antagonism between Esar and Winchell:9

Ho Hum: Evan Esar’s Dictionary of Humorous Quotations (referred to above) forewords: “I have also excluded many apocryphal quotations customarily attached to wits like Wilson Mizner and columnists like Walter Winchell, who give wide currency to comedy lines” … Then he credits Alec Woollcott with Bob Benchley’s famous crack: “I must get out of these clothes and into my dry martini!”

He also credits Woollcott with a capsule criticism which Groucho Marx told me and which got me barred from Earl Carroll’s shows for the next 15 years, to wit: “I saw it under bad conditions—the curtain was up!”

Winchell’s grievance was not fully justified. The theatrical review attributed to Woollcott in Esar’s book was thematically similar to the curtain quip, but it was different enough to qualify as a separate quotation:10

The scenery in the play was beautiful, but the actors got in front of it.

In 1958 the tale was recounted under the title “Famous Fables” in the Los Angeles Times. This version assigned credit to George S. Kaufman and depicted him boldly delivering the line directly to the show’s producer:11

One night on Broadway, Playwright George S. Kaufman attended the opening of a new play. Later, in a restaurant, he met the producer, who asked:

“Did you like the show?”

“No,” said Kaufman, “but, of course, I saw it under unfavorable conditions. The curtain was up.”

When the quip is given an attribution it usually goes to Marx or Kaufman. But QI did locate an article in 1968 that credited the drama critic George Jean Nathan:12

The latest variation on George Jean Nathan’s line about Tallulah Bankhead play, “I saw it under unfortunate conditions. The curtain was up”: “I saw ‘The Green Berets’ under terrible difficulties. The projection machine was on”.

An interesting description of this tale was given in the 1989 book “Broadway Anecdotes” by Peter Hay. This version claimed that the relationship between George S. Kaufman and the producer Earl Carroll was ruptured for five years. It also suggested that the jest was really the handiwork of Groucho despite his assigning credit to Kaufman:13

Take a well-known witticism which has been attributed to both Groucho Marx and to George S. Kaufman. After a Broadway opening (as columnist Earl Wilson tells it in his 1949 book Let ’em Eat Cheesecake), Walter Winchell asked Groucho Marx what he thought of the show.

“You heard what George Kaufman said about this play, didn’t you?” asked Groucho. Winchell shook his head. “Well, Kaufman told me,” Marx quoted, “‘I didn’t like it, but then I saw it under adverse conditions—the curtain was up'”

Winchell printed the clever but wounding one-liner with Marx’s attribution, with the result that the producer didn’t speak to Kaufman for five years, when Groucho finally owned up to the wisecrack himself.

In conclusion, Groucho Marx told the joke to Walter Winchell who then communicated it to his vast audience of followers. QI believes that the identity of the quip’s originator is ambiguous. Several different explanatory scenarios are possible. QI suggests that the following two outlines are the most plausible based on currently available evidence.

Scenario One: Groucho Marx and George S. Kaufman conversed about the Broadway show “Vanities” produced by Earl Carroll. Kaufman created the quip and delivered it to Groucho. Groucho told the joke to Walter Winchell, and Groucho credited Kaufman. Winchell published the joke in his widely distributed column in October 1931, and Winchell credited Kaufman.

Scenario Two: Groucho Marx created the quip, but he did not wish to antagonize the powerful producer Earl Carroll. Groucho told the joke to Walter Winchell while incorrectly crediting George S. Kaufman instead of himself. Winchell published the joke in his widely distributed column in October 1931, and Winchell credited Kaufman.

Overall, QI believes that the jest was concocted by either Groucho Marx or George S. Kaufman.

Update History: On March 11, 2025 the format of the bibliographical notes was updated.

  1. 1931 October 21, Wisconsin State Journal, “On Broadway” by Walter Winchell, Page 3, Column 6, Madison, Wisconsin. (NewspaperArchive) ↩︎
  2. 1932 December 12, Washington Post, Radio Dial Flashes by Robert D. Heinl, Page 9, Column 2, Washington, D.C. (ProQuest) ↩︎
  3. 1999, The Night Club Era by Stanley Walker, Page 139 Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. (Reprint of a book originally published in 1933 by Frederick A. Stokes Company, New York) (Verified on paper in 1999 edition) ↩︎
  4. 1934 December, Reader’s Digest, I Wish I’d Said That! by J.A.G. Rice, Page 59, Reader’s Digest Association, Pleasantville, New York. (Note in Reader’s Digest says: Condensed from The Saturday Evening Post, September 8, 1934) (Verified on microfilm) ↩︎
  5. 1943 April 8, Spartanburg Herald-Journal. The Private Papers of a Cub Reporter by Walter Winchell, Page 4 (Google News Page 3), Column 3, Spartanburg, South Carolina. (Google News archive) ↩︎
  6. 1944 February 27, Times-Picayune, Dr Quizzler’s Mind Teasers by John Henry Cutler, (GBank Page 60), Column 2, New Orleans, Louisiana. (GenealogyBank) ↩︎
  7. 1944, Try and Stop Me by Bennett Cerf, Page 14-15, Simon & Schuster, New York. (Verified on paper) ↩︎
  8. 1948 October 24, Syracuse Herald-American (Herald Journal), Notes of a New Yorker by Walter Winchell, Page 25, Syracuse, New York.  (NewspaperArchive) ↩︎
  9. 1949 May 01, Nevada State Journal, Winchell on Broadway by Walter Winchell, Page 4, Column 4, Reno, Nevada. (NewspaperArchive) ↩︎
  10. 1989, The Dictionary of Humorous Quotations by Evan Esar, Page 227, Dorset Press, New York. (Reprint of a book published in 1949 by Doubleday, Garden City, New York) (Verified on paper in 1989 edition) ↩︎
  11. 1958 December 3, Los Angeles Times, Famous Fables by E.E. Edgar, Page B4, Column 6, Los Angeles, California. (ProQuest) ↩︎
  12. 1968 July 1, Los Angeles Times, Sci-Fi Films Put Hollywood in Orbit by Joyce Haber, Page E23, Los Angeles, California. (ProQuest) ↩︎
  13. 1989, Broadway Anecdotes by Peter Hay, Page ix, Oxford University Press, New York. (Verified on paper) ↩︎