Adage Origin: An Army of Stags Led by a Lion Is More Formidable Than an Army of Lions Led by a Stag

Plutarch? Chabrias? Julius Caesar? Philip of Macedon? Iphicrates? Napoleon Bonaparte? Daniel Defoe? Question for Quote Investigator: The quality of the members of an organization is important, but the leadership is decisive to achieving success. Here are two versions of a pertinent adage: (1) An army of sheep commanded by a lion is more formidable than …

Quote Origin: Whatever We Achieve Inwardly Will Change Outer Reality

J. K. Rowling? Anaïs Nin? Plutarch? Otto Rank? Question for Quote Investigator: J. K. Rowling created the beloved fantasy universe of Harry Potter and the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She delivered a humorous and touching commencement address at Harvard University in 2008. While in college she studied the classics, and her address included …

Quote Origin: The Mind Is Not a Vessel That Needs Filling, But Wood That Needs Igniting

William Butler Yeats? Plutarch? Socrates? Plato? Apocryphal? Question for Quote Investigator: There is a superb quotation about education that I have encountered many times. Here is a collection of examples with attributions that I have been accumulating. None of the examples came with citations: What do you think? Who should properly be given credit, and …