Matthew Yglesias? William Deresiewicz? Apocryphal?

Question for Quote Investigator: Predicting the technological future is extremely difficult. In 2007 Amazon corporation introduced the Kindle ebook reader, and ebooks grew rapidly in popularity during the following years. Commentators envisioned dramatic upheavals in the book world.
One influential pundit projected that publishers were going to be wiped out. This imminent development was depicted favorably. Would you please help me to find a citation?
Reply from Quote Investigator: In November 2014 journalist Matthew Yglesias published a piece on the “Vox” website titled “Amazon is doing the world a favor by crushing book publishers”. Yglesias noted that a long-running conflict between Amazon and the book publisher Hachette had been settled. Boldface added to excerpts by QI:1
This brings months of sniping to an end, but the structural conflict between publishers and the retail giant isn’t going away. And here’s a little real talk about the book publishing industry — it adds almost no value, it is going to be wiped off the face of the earth soon, and writers and readers will be better off for it.
The fundamental uselessness of book publishers is why I thought it was dumb of the Department of Justice to even bother prosecuting them for their flagrantly illegal cartel behavior a couple of years back …
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